Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Greetings to the International Research and Practical Conference Altai Mountains, the Birthplace of Turkic Nations: On the Origins of Turkic Civilisation

The message reads, in part:
“Your forum has brought
together a large number of participants from Russia and many foreign countries
to continue a serious, thoughtful discussion on the origins of the peoples living
in the Eurasia.
The Eurasian continent
is rightfully considered the cradle of multiple ancient civilisations, including
the Turkic civilisation. According to one of the leading theories, the vast mountainous
region of Altai is the historical homeland of Turkic nations. In recent years,
the discoveries of our researchers and archaeologists have made it possible to study unique Turkic manuscripts, as well as relics of spiritual and material
culture, which highlight the special role of the Altai region for Turkic
nations. I would like to emphasise that the languages and traditions of Turkic peoples,
as well as their distinctive way of life, are an essential part of Russia’s
historical heritage as a unique civilisational state.
I am confident that through
open and constructive discussions, you will be able to examine a wide range of key issues in Altai studies, and propose new ideas and approaches to exploring lesser-known
chapters of world history.”
